Sunday, November 16, 2014

You may say I am a dreamer

The morning that woke me up
With the caress of a lover
Gentle .. yet bold the touch of first rays
Awakening my senses out of the cover

You may say I am a dreamer
Yet my eyes could see it all
Drooped down to capture it
Before the moments could fall

The softness of the breeze against my skin
The sudden chill folding me in its arm
Moan escaped my lips
And dewdrops enchanted me with their charm

Warm smell of sunshine
Mixed with a heady scent of coffee
Warming my cold cold hands was

A hot cup of black liquid glossy

 Enraptured by the simple joys of life
I stood still... couldn't find a fault
A single drop of wetness touched them
And my lips tasted salt

What for?

Yes.. this is a question I always ask of myself and other.. What for? Why? The curious me is so hard to suppress :). 

Life is such a journey of self discovery.. atleast I learn one thing about myself on a daily basis which astonishes me... which I had never thought about.. which had not appealed to me earlier.. which I had never done before.. and I feel ... expanse.

I am unable to put these feelings into words but the possibility of a person is so limitless that it astonishes me. I wonder.. I feel like a kid for whom everything is a sight to behold.. a sense of wonder envelopes me when I look at anything or anyone... I feel immensely proud  to be a human being.. part of the the race which has achieved so much.. collectively.. I feel humble for being so ignorant that I do not know even 1% of what lies within this world.. I feel warm for being able to love people around me.. I feel strong for being able to defend my values.. I feel gratitude for being given this life which I wish to be deserving when I die.

"What for" is a question that is a huge part of my value. I might not have the capacity to understand all the answers but I am sure the answers are there. It always is.. it's just a matter of finding it. No action of mine is taken without this question.. I might be wrong in looking at the answer or deciphering it.. but I do not live by default.. That is how I choose to live.. no matter what the price.. and nothing gives me more satisfaction than getting something for which I have paid the price already.. feels deserving.

I know no two people share exact same set of values.. but there are people who understand this difference and respect it.. this again is a value. Those are the people I love.. I respect .. I admire.. I adore.. For me, love is not unconditional.. it is not without exchange of values and mutual respect.. I can not have a satisfying exchange with even a stranger unless we share some set of connection... I guess it is same for everyone.. though not many people identify it or accept it.

This post is so random in structure that probably only people who know me well enough will be able to connect the dots.. yes.. randomness is beautiful.. Life is beautiful.. Love is beautiful.. People are beautiful.. All you need is courage to never accept something without "What for". :)

Saturday, November 15, 2014


Open your eyes to the carpet of green

To the dews clinging with hope and sublime
To the birds songs that carries through the wind
To the smell of a new morning through time

It is nothing but Ethereal..
To the soul that despairs
To the eyes which can't see beyond
To the heart which aches

Open up sweetheart.. Open your soul
Drink your fill of love and hope
Coz nothing can be more ephemeral
Live up all the while..

Friday, November 7, 2014

My Love

The feeling grows in me
Like a child taking shape
In the womb of my desires
Decorated in sublime drape
Its the feeling of love and warmth
I feel for my existence true
The existence which is defined
by us and not I or you
The feeling is all encomapssing
And Love grows around us
The beauty of sunshine after winter
and sweet nothings melting in hush
I love you my love
Is the only thing I can say
and not to just you baby
For the world, Its now the only way

Eternal Flame of Love

The Eternal Flame of Love
burns like a the passion of a wild fire
yet the uncertainties of life
that spread on a misty night
the rain that follows
could douse the fire
yet it survives
shielding itself from the sheltering
branches of the overlooking tree
the flame of love lives on
in our hearts and lives
let us pledge to live with it
through the sands of time
i will be yours and you will be mine
we shall live in peace so divine
that when the day breaks and sun shines
the flame of love would burn till the end of time

To be or not to Be

An eternal question asked, an innocent curiosity
With hopes and fears floating alongside
With longing and pain side by side
To be or not to be….

The prayers will be answered, the wishes be fulfilled
The hearts knows not but hopes always
The journey shall starts together … beautiful and love filled
Hand in hand forever

Faith I have in my feeling and my love
Faith I have in my sweetheart and my life
I fear though the times and twists
The distance and the parting

I love him with all my heart
And my soul bared before him
All I ask is Will you be mine..
And yes.. to be or not to be..

Eternally Yours

The time has come too soon
It’s a dark and rainy day
I will leave tonight sweetheart
And I will be gone my way.

Remember the smiles we shared,
The bridges that we crossed together
Time was swept away by fate
As lightly as a bird’s feather

Our souls will be on fire forever
With desires that have been burning inside
To ashes it might turn everyday and night
But with each other our hearts will reside

I won’t see you grow old my love
Neither you will ever count my wrinkles
Still we will have prayers on our lips always
To guide us as the star that twinkles

Will forever feel the warmth of your hands
Holding me through thick and thin
Your sweet nothings in my ears
And all those love songs Whispering in

We will not meet again my love
And the loneliness of hearts knows no cures
But in dreams and with open eyes
We will always say “Eternally yours”


Autumn has arrived
The air is crisp and dry
Leaves are falling by the side
And there is no one left to cry
The flowers which blossomed once
And covered the earth with fire
Have all long withered away
No fruit any longer to sire
No rain comes today
No sunshine to make it bright
No laughter in the air around
No hearts full of light
The white flowers which draped the trees once
Are all but gone far away
Wind taking away those memories
No matter how hard we pay


A light descends on earth
To form the shape of time unknown
To slide on the rainbow of eternity
To mark the universe as its own

The cocoon just hangs in there
With the slightest hint of strength
Beaten and weathered by the wind and the rain
It appears nothing but life wearing out by a tenth

Rain stops and storms tires out
Sunshine makes every poppy bloom
A heart still beats within the cocoon
For courage and perseverance there’s plenty a room

Blue and Purple, White and Yellow
Hues of rainbow emerge and spread
The tiny fluttering of tender wings
Ready to fly on a carpet of red

It’s beautiful, Nature exclaims
And the wonder of life unfolds
Out of the gray shadows of despair and gloom
Emerges the preciousness untold

What If!!

What if we stayed
What if we had time
Many more years of togetherness
And many more laughter to chime
What if i smiled and he understood
That it was he who i think about
What if he looked at me so
That gone would be any doubts
What if we were young and happy
Basking in the sunshine on us
What if we were bit more patient
And a little less presumptuous

Laughter and Forgetting

How I would love to forget
The tinkle of our laughter
The sparks in our eyes
The lightness of our hearts

It is the skip of my heartbeat I would like to forget
When I heard your voice calling my name
It is the silent longing for you I would like to forget
Waiting for you to come through the doors

The scent of our passionate night
Wafting through the morning air
The taste of your lips on mine
How much I would like to forget

The reassuring warmth of your arms around me
Your heart-stopping smile when you looked at me
The laughter you brought to me
How much I wish to forget it all

The hours spent arguing about things
The sudden anger and loving requests
Your touch caressing my tassles
How much I would wish to forget

I would like to forget the words spoken
The promises unkept and dreams broken
The unsaid vows that were taken
For the soul to be left vacant

From my memory and yours
The image of us being together ever
Wiped away the laughter and welcome the forgetting


Is it fair or dark?
Is it big or small?
Is it hard or soft.. or I can touch it at all..

I stand here clutching air
Which empties me and I feel breathless
While it thickens around and chokes me..

 I struggle..
 Tears roll on my cheeks
I want to break free..
And suddenly I am.

I can feel Nothingness...