Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Life in colors..

Life has been a colorful affair for me.... shades of red, blue and yes black.... u can say gray...
I have had my shares of happiness, passion, anxiety and blues.. and i am proud of that.. to be able to see more hues than most of the people around me. Life has offered me so many canvasses to paint.. so many colors to play with.. mix and match them..
I have observed one great secret of life.. an open secret... the life itself offers u innumerable choices.. to hear or to be heard, to see or to be seen, to talk abt the difference or be the difference. and happy are those who dare to dream and speak out their dream. Who dare to be the difference... difference without being different. The beauty of the color lies in the fact that each time a color mixes with the other , it gives birth to another color... unique in its existence.. in its essence. I wish i could be as vibrant as that....

Monday, December 11, 2006


The glistening of rays,
The stretch of honour,
The purpose of life
The strenght of will...

Standing tall,
Bilizzards held..
just with the truss of the beauty

The Steel all gray
and shining ...

Wednesday, December 6, 2006


It has been a quite normal day at office. Entrance at early afternoon and the some stupis dull work. All of a sudden a crisis when i am about to leave a bit early than usual ( that is 8PM).. another couple of hours spent solving it and finally its the Normal time to return home (10:30PM). Will reach home and then a quick warm bath.. to shake off the office feel. Some newspaper, music and books.. lulling me into deep sleep again to wake up in the late morning. Another day at office.... the most abnormal thing now is to return early to home.... even if i reach office early morning ... software professionals have quite a normal life i must say :-)


The path forks
And all i am left with is Choices
The sun goes down
And i choose to keep walking..

I choose not to get crushed
I choose not to cry
I choose not to give up
I choose to Live

I choose love over fear
I choose white over black
I choose to stand up and walk
I choose to forgive myself and learn

I choose to be a whole again..........
What i cant choose
Is to let my tears flow
in those dark lonely nights
Coz i choose to let them wash away my pain.

Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Maximum City

I am almost to the last pages of 'Maximum City' by Suketu Mehta. The whole book is much more than pages and words. Its an insight into the Glittering Bombay or presently Mumbai. Having a first hand experience of the city all i can say that its a place where you are alone in a crowd. You live a life into yourself .. oblivious of the slums, chawls, bars, Bollywood and most mysterious of all, Underworld. The books speaks about the open secrets of the city... a city that is dirty and glamorous at the same time.. sexy and repulsive at the same time and crowded and lonely. The rent act that has made the lives of middle class non flat owners miserable, the politics that has sucked the cosmopolitan culture of Mumbai, the bars that have a never ending line of boys and old alike, with money to give them an ego boost, an identification in this city which doesnt recognize anyone except the Bollywood Badshahs and the Underworld with their connection running from a rickshawwala to the top most politician and beaureaucrat-- all with symbiotic relationships to share. All i can say is that I love this city and to warn everyone.. either u love it or hate it.. u cant have half of Mumbai to yourself.

Music of life

Music... one thing that can keep me going even if i feel worst. The lovely tinkle of a bell, the bass of the guitar being played, the flow of expressions from a saxophone.. its all so lively. The world seems to be all within my heart , blocking the negatives and i remain untouched. How can i ever stop myself from tapping my feet to '18 till i die' or to 'where ever when ever'.... neither i can stop myself from drifting beside a raging ocean listening to the nature's beat. Everlasting love songs.. ahhh.. the pain and the sweetness is all prevailing. Not much of a rock or heavy metal fan, still i enjoy some Guns and roses :) thoroughly. How can i miss out on the beautiful remix by Instant Karma - Dil Kya kare. The poetry of yesteryears, the rapp of today and melody of the world.. this is what make me forget all my worries and relax, even while i am working . Thats the magic of music and life.

Monday, December 4, 2006

My Moments

A light ....

The night was restless..
The storm blazed
The thunder was unheard
The lightening was blinding

The tower collapsed...
All i heard was the schreeching seagulls
The waves washed down
The last symbol disappeared

The empiness reigned
The lips tasted salty...
The cold... was freezing my soul.....

There i looked with my eyes open..
A light... a shimmering but strong one....
Growing , warming me deep within..
A light house in the abyss.......

I clutched it with my whole strenght..
Strenght i had but least....
The glow spread inside me
And i had found my Light.

A Small Start - Another new one

I have always been inclined to write my thoughts down. But this was the longest i took to write them... write them in a form which is 'editable'. Frankly, the most important reason was that i never could nor can get over the romance of writing on a paper with a pen. Today i decided to take the leap... not because i am over and done with my 'Pen and Paper Romance'. Rather it is convenience that has convinced me to switch from my diary to a blog. All i am hoping is to travel with my thoughts far and wide....with all the anticipations in my heart. A voice for my views.