Friday, May 30, 2014


In the lingering of gaze a moment longer
In a smile that brightens the day
In a touch that is accidental
And words that cause a blush

Longing for you

Melting chocolates and icy beer
Loud music and crowded streets
Watery sunsets and endless dreams
And then the dive into unknown

Longing for you

Sunday, May 18, 2014

2014 elections and next 5 years

It has been exciting 6 months in the political arena of Indian democracy. We have witnessed something unprecedented in the chaos of state as well as national elections. I would like to analyze how the scene unfolded and what it means to me as a middle class urban citizen of the nation.

First let me talk a bit about how I view politics. I always believed that people who didn't vote, didn't take some action to change things, didn't voice their concerns at some kind of forums, however small that might be, have no right to criticize the way we are governed - this category included me. I have been unable to vote because of the nature of my job which entails spending moderately long periods across multiple cities and my laziness to undergo the voter registration processes at all these places again and again. Despite my inaction, I wanted to be a part of the change. Yes, that's an admission of my fault.. and I am guilty of being a hypocrite but my hope from the political process was high.

People of India are fed up of living in a poor, ill-governed state while we witness better places in the world. We do not wish to remain a country identified by the characters of "Slumdog Millionaire" and the youth of today is not longer a silent group. The social media revolution has given all of us a channel to project our thoughts, share it and have open discussion/ debate or even very opinionated arguments over the net. Smart phone revolution has brought a large chunk of our society into sharing information/ thoughts over tools like twitter and watsapp.

The discontent in Indian middle class has been on for long, but we witnessed it in much stronger way when Anna Hazare led a movement for Jan Lokpal Bill. Normal people like you and me participated.. lend our voices to the chants of "We have had too much". And then Nirbhaya happened. Men and Women all came in hordes to protest, to demand safety, to demand our basic rights.

Then AAP happened. These days people give way less credit to AAP than it deserves. Yes, AAP made some wrong political and strategic decisions. Yes, it has people who talk much more than they deliver. Yes, AAP is involved more in activism than Politics and governance.. yet none of us can deny the fact that AAP made us believe in us once more. Delhi was caught in the AAP frenzy not just because of Congress incumbency but also because we desperately wanted an alternative to being made a fool by two largest political parties. We realized that people - you and me CAN bring a change, if not at national level.. definitely at local and state level. And we voted as never before. Never in the political history of India, just one year old party could make a government at the state level. WE, THE PEOPLE made it happen.And we did it because AAP showed us the way.

Now let's talk about Congress for a while. The most revered party at one time, is now at its weakest ever.. Have they really done their worst job in last 65 years or so? Or is it, we are also at our most vocal, most aware selves and want more from the governing parties? In my opinion, congress went wrong on few fronts :
a) Choice of leadership : Rahul Gandhi has never been accepted by people of India as a deserving leader of Congress. We as Indians, are fond of dynastic rules - no doubt about it. But Congress failed to see that today we have more youths than ever before. We do not go by blind tradition any more.. we question.. we criticize.. we demand. And we want someone who can show his capability in running one of the toughest governance structure. Agree or not Rahul Gandhi was NEVER perceived as one who can deliver. Just promoting him as the PM candidate wouldn't have helped anyways.

b) Economic Conditions : Congress in its blind ambition to remain in power, did not give enough focus to the deteriorating conditions of economy. What happened to India Shining.. to 8-9% GDP growth.. to Infrastructure development? As a nation, we are no longer content with subsidies, with alms. When we were recognized as a rapidly developing nation with a potential to become super power, we felt proud. And a proud nation doesn't accept alms.. even if from their own government. Congress failed to link the changing psychology of people with the economic downturn.

c) Inability to manage the coalition : Due to lack of a strong PM, Congress did not have very strong hold over its alliance partners and their activities. Increasing greed among partners to squeeze the nation of wealth to line their own coffers while the rule lasts, proved to be quite fatal for congress.

There would be many more reasons for Congress dismal failure, but tired and angry people can vent out their frustration in most brutal fashion - Congress has learnt it now. It has also sent a signal to any party, be it the current ruling one that Indian Junta is no longer forgiving. We want better governance, better economy, better place to live not as charity but as out rights. This has been the most profound change that has happened within us.

Now let us talk abt Modi - a stern task master and a strategist. Modi having worked as a pracharak for so long, and having delivered in Gujarat, knows how to connect with people. He knew he can project himself as the stronger, action taking PM candidate and he did that. He knew India is a democracy and though we do get emotional over mandir and masjid, we do not like the killing that does with it. We know that its us who suffers in the end. He managed his entire campaign very professionally. We witnessed a leader who promised development, at times stirred controversy a little, but most of all gave us hope for a change we so desperately crave. He involved professionals, never shied away from ambition and we accepted that as people we are changing. We do not shy away from ambition in our professional lives, so why should a politician not have ambition in his profession. That way, we can always demand from him and not rely on him for his so called "Social Service".

And now, after putting Modi in his desired place.. we demand the following:

1) Be just and fair - to every citizen of India. We do not want you to be a dictator who can get away with snoopgate or fake encounters or Godhra if you were ever involved in any of these.
2) Be a tough task master - we have languished in last decade because no one held people at the top accountable for their actions. We want accountability and you to drive results.
3) Bring economy back on track - yes, we know it is going to be a tough task.. but we know nothing is unachievable we all try.. and you being the leader are the one who can lead this.
4) Improve Infrastructure and general facilities available to us. We need electricity, law & order, infrastructure and a free way to build our lives. You being an entrepreneur know the best that you give us all this and we will take care of ourselves.
5) Deliver on your promise and keep nonsensical characters in your party in check. We agree every party has their own sets of insensitive people but we do not wish to go back 50 years.. economically or even socially. We as a society are one of the most tolerant and progressive lot. Help us improve upon ourselves.

Now it is upto Mr. Modi to deliver on our demands.. make us proud Indians. We can demands because we have given him mandate to govern us.. the people of the biggest democracy of the world...

Jai Hind!!!

My ramblings

Yes.. I might come across as a self centered person.. who I anyways claim to be :). No Apologies there..

And in this regard I resolve to publish some of my works over time... some dark.. some hopeful.. some with tears and some with laughter..

As a person I have come a long long way in last few years.. realizing my shortcoming in ways I never did before.. coming face to face with my strength when i thought none existed.. falling in love with life all over again.. everyday.. it is one heck of a lifetime.. I can definitely tell that.

I am starting with one of my favourite pieces I wrote:


A light descends on earth
To form the shape of time unknown
To slide on the rainbow of eternity
To mark the universe as its own

The cocoon just hangs in there
With the slightest hint of strength
Beaten and weathered by the wind and the rain
It appears nothing but life wearing out by a tenth

Rain stops and storms tires out
Sunshine makes every poppy bloom
A heart still beats within the cocoon
For courage and perseverance there's plenty a room

Blue and Purple, White and Yellow
Hues of rainbow emerge and spread
The tiny fluttering of tender wings
Ready to fly on a carpet of red

It's beautiful, Nature exclaims
And the wonder of life unfolds
Out of the gray shadows of despair and gloom
Emerges the preciousness untold


Blue was facing the sky
In  a defiant gesture of pride
"You are so vast and blue,
Yet I match you and splendor and some more", she said.

The sky laughed and looked down upon
Blue stood her ground
The mockery and insults were rained down upon her
Yet she swayed in the gust of wind

And then.. a cloud cast its pall
The Sky turned a gloomy grey
Blue smiled and cried to the sky
I am always who I am.. I am BLUE...