Sunday, November 16, 2014

What for?

Yes.. this is a question I always ask of myself and other.. What for? Why? The curious me is so hard to suppress :). 

Life is such a journey of self discovery.. atleast I learn one thing about myself on a daily basis which astonishes me... which I had never thought about.. which had not appealed to me earlier.. which I had never done before.. and I feel ... expanse.

I am unable to put these feelings into words but the possibility of a person is so limitless that it astonishes me. I wonder.. I feel like a kid for whom everything is a sight to behold.. a sense of wonder envelopes me when I look at anything or anyone... I feel immensely proud  to be a human being.. part of the the race which has achieved so much.. collectively.. I feel humble for being so ignorant that I do not know even 1% of what lies within this world.. I feel warm for being able to love people around me.. I feel strong for being able to defend my values.. I feel gratitude for being given this life which I wish to be deserving when I die.

"What for" is a question that is a huge part of my value. I might not have the capacity to understand all the answers but I am sure the answers are there. It always is.. it's just a matter of finding it. No action of mine is taken without this question.. I might be wrong in looking at the answer or deciphering it.. but I do not live by default.. That is how I choose to live.. no matter what the price.. and nothing gives me more satisfaction than getting something for which I have paid the price already.. feels deserving.

I know no two people share exact same set of values.. but there are people who understand this difference and respect it.. this again is a value. Those are the people I love.. I respect .. I admire.. I adore.. For me, love is not unconditional.. it is not without exchange of values and mutual respect.. I can not have a satisfying exchange with even a stranger unless we share some set of connection... I guess it is same for everyone.. though not many people identify it or accept it.

This post is so random in structure that probably only people who know me well enough will be able to connect the dots.. yes.. randomness is beautiful.. Life is beautiful.. Love is beautiful.. People are beautiful.. All you need is courage to never accept something without "What for". :)

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