Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Do Hell With....

"Do Hell With.. " What does this means?? I have been asked almost by everyone who reads this status on my gtalk.. and my reply invariably always is "Everything". Isn't it so much fun.. to be able to say GOTO HELL to ethng thats not important for you. People fail to say this most of the time and live their life by default.. I dare say this and I am the happiest person in this world... :) .. and I am not joking... I get agitated by the indifference of people.. their empathy... still i say "Do Hell With.." coz i care only for those who deserve this care of mine. I have started living in present and having hell of a time ... I absolutely love my job ( second reference to my job in my entire blogging history).... love my friends.. love my love affair with life... Rest everything can rest in Hell in peace... :)

PS (18/05/2014):

My previous self ..

I am so much in love with you.. you have taught me to be strong.. to be uncompromising.. to be unapologetic.. to be loving.. to be forgiving.. to be what I am... Thank you so much for being me.. and I hope I do not disappoint you in future.. ever..

And yeah... I still love the phrase.. "DO HELL WITH!!! ".. no matter what the price.. 

Your Future Self.

PPS (15/11/2014):

Dear Crystal,

All I gotta say that I love you girl!! It's so good to read your posts.. to relive the journey of this wonderful life.. good.. bad.. ugly.. all combined.. And I really hope I continue to do justice to what you sought all this while.. be a better person..

And yeah baby.. Do Hell with is still my motto ;)

Your future self


  1. Thats the spirit gal !! keep it up.. go ahead and touch the sky.. the ppl who say something about you are the wrong kind of people to talk to even think abt..

    really liked ur attitude.. " DO HELL WITH " :)

    1. Always so good to read up your words of encouragement.. Thanks for being my Buddy.. :)
