Monday, January 8, 2007

IIT in Bihar... Dream or reality?

Just finished reading the Editorial of today's TOI... the topic of view : HRD ministry proposes to set up IIT in Bihar.
The Times view advocating it and Mr. A. Srinivas having a counter view.
I dont know whether both have seen the issue from a 'BIHARI' perspective or not, here i am to put in my words to my thoughts.

IIT is a dream.... a dream that remained unfulfilled for some and realised for some... a dream of realising one's own potential though the gruelling discipline needed to clear through one of the toughest entrance examinations in the the world. Bihar being another dream.. unrealised.. struggling... a dream that bears the tag of being 'BIHAR' for decades. How many of us have stopped for a moment and thought about what makes BIHAR as we know it now.. the people?? may be Jayprakash Narayans and Rajinder Prasad or may be the maximum no of IITians from this single state actually belong to somewhere else.. how can they be from BIHAR.. a backward, culturally inferior, politically exploited and criminalised state.

IIT in Bihar will be a fresh start... I do say things will not turn out to be the best overnight for either for the Bihari IIT nor for the state.. whats wrong in being pragmatically hopeful? We all know that maximum no of IITians are from Bihar and Jharkhand and they are the ones who have been nurtured in the same land for more than 17 years. If the grim situation in Bihar can turn out so many talents, i dont think we should have any doubt about the fourishing of an institute in the state.

Also, IITs have never been aloof or in a vacuum. The example of IIT Kanpur is all i can say a poor choice as we can find out for ourselves that other premiere institutes opened up in UP beacuse IIT was there. IIT in itself is sufficient to start the rolling of the wheel of growth in the surrounding area. We can rake up evidenecs that would suggest that would IIT Kanpur be not there, many other economic and educational advances would not have been in the area around Kanpur.

No scince or technology institute is nor can be constitued with the single motive of improving the condition of the area in which it is opened. But it is always that the benefit of the area is an unavoidable byproduct. Isnt that reason enough for us to lend an arm to the effort?

I agree that the criminalisation of politics has resulted in the downtrend for whole of Bihar, but i have complete faith in the ability of a premiere institue like IIT to reverse the trend... well IITians have never followed a trend except that of high rising curves of learning and innovation and they have dared to dream impossible and realize it ...Havent they? Yes... they have and soon we will hear this affirmation from the people of Bihar itself.

Paper Name: Times of India; Date: 8/1/2007 ; Page No: 16 ;

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