Sunday, July 18, 2010

Where Dream merges into reality - Inception personified

Dreams and Reality are separated by a thin line of consciousness. The debate that goes on in everyone's mind is - Are we living our dreams or is it a reality. Our thoughts and actions if define us, then aren't all of us dreaming.. as its our dreams which are thoughts translated into tangible forms. Am i going obtruse? May be or may be not.. who knows other than my innermost thought and consciousness. The point is - can I or someone else can be consciously a part of my subconscious mind?

Christopher Nolan did a wonderful job in confirming one view of mine - he gave a canvas to something I found too weird to even express it to someone. I had so many deja-vu s in life that somehow I had no other choice but to attribute each one of those to some dream of mine. If answering honestly, yes - I do dream about some future event. I do not know how and why but it has happened more than once and I can no longer attribute it to my fancy. Dreams into dreams is a reality for me.. I have woken up in my dreams to find out that I need to wake up once again to be back to life. I do not remember most of the events that happen in those dreams - not even my immediate dream but I get this vague feeling that things are changed.

Seems like am repeating the concept of Inception - but no, this is my reality and it existed much before CN even came into movie making. I have solved numerous complex mathematics problems in my dream, learnt how to ride a bicycle and knew the solutions to more complex emotional issues after a dreamy sleep. Yes, even today I sleep over issues am not able to solve and I know I will know the answers when I get up. This is my subconscious working while am sleeping physically. I dream about a reality and it manifests itself into the real world. I do get inspired by my dreams.. I get pained by them..

Inception made me question one thing - are my dreams real or are they my subconscious response to all my perceptions. Do they move in a random order or is there some architect who has designed my dream for me? Is there an alternate reality within my dreams? Why do some of the times I know whats going to happen next because I have seen the action take part years or days ago in my dream? I do not have answers to these - I do not believe I have any kind of psychic power. I do not even know whether it happens to most of the people or am I one of the few.

Well... I think about it right now and the only thing I can conclude is : I do not understand it and I do not even want to. This weirdness is a part of me and that's it. No more conscious dwelling on the issue.. "Inception is for real or not" :)


  1. • Jorge Luis Borges : I think the most fabulous “surreal” writer who has ever walked on this earth. He has written many stories and novels which falls in to the genre of “magical realism” – a state between dreams and reality. In one of his stories a man wakes up from his multi layered dream labyrinth one after the other and gets lost in the maze. And one his most famous stories is about a novel in which the characters chooses all possible future options in front of them, instead of choosing just one ( unlike the way we do in our daily life ;-)) . This concept later caught the imagination of scientist and formed the foundation for multi threading and hyper text books ( including Wikipedia !!!). And in the story he describes the most complex maze, which is the book (life?) itself.

  2. • Jiddu Krishnamurthy: According to him “ if you have a concept, you will never realize what the reality is” (I think this is the gist of Indian philosophy presented in a simple way?). An idea is always derived from your past , so no idea is new…and the idea can never change the world. The society is just a projection of your mind. You are the are the world…(Aham brahmasmi ?). And in the movie the characters repeat one statement – “this world is not real, it is just a projection of your mind” - Saif

  3. • Jorge Luis Borges : I think the most fabulous “surreal” writer who has ever walked on this earth. He has written many stories and novels which falls in to the genre of “magical realism” – a state between dreams and reality. In one of his stories a man wakes up from his multi layered dream labyrinth one after the other and gets lost in the maze. And one his most famous stories is about a novel in which the characters chooses all possible future options in front of them, instead of choosing just one ( unlike the way we do in our daily life ;-)) . This concept later caught the imagination of scientist and formed the foundation for multi threading and hyper text books ( including Wikipedia !!!). And in the story he describes the most complex maze, which is the book (life?) itself. Saif
