So here it is again....... the ever increasing woes of Supreme Court of India. Can anyone answer this - Is the justice granted to an individual lesser than a group? Is the justice granted to a wealthy is greater than given to one who is living just hand to mouth? Is the justice given to dead person more of importance than a living person? Is a crminal justice more important than a civil one? Underlining it all -- Does the importance of justice differ from case to case??
NO... the answer is NO and can never be Yes.
The judicial system in any state is set up for one purpose - to uphold the rights of an individual or a group of individuals. Then how can one question anyone's right not to seek highest justice?
The need of the hour is not to disallow certain kind of cases to be brought to Supreme court. The emphasis should be on speedy and just trials. We do not have clogs in the SC's register coz some UNNECESSARY cases are brought to it. But we have it coz nobody bothers to clear it. We do not have efficient and fair judiciary system right from lower level courts to SC. How do we even expect to escape the side effects of allowing an inefficient system to run? And Do we deserve to blame the no of case? No.. we are responsible for this mess collectively and will have to take some measures to improve it... And teh first step is to improve ourselves.
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