Friday, February 23, 2007

High courts should be last forum of appeal in most cases, says SC

So here it is again....... the ever increasing woes of Supreme Court of India. Can anyone answer this - Is the justice granted to an individual lesser than a group? Is the justice granted to a wealthy is greater than given to one who is living just hand to mouth? Is the justice given to dead person more of importance than a living person? Is a crminal justice more important than a civil one? Underlining it all -- Does the importance of justice differ from case to case??

NO... the answer is NO and can never be Yes.

The judicial system in any state is set up for one purpose - to uphold the rights of an individual or a group of individuals. Then how can one question anyone's right not to seek highest justice?

The need of the hour is not to disallow certain kind of cases to be brought to Supreme court. The emphasis should be on speedy and just trials. We do not have clogs in the SC's register coz some UNNECESSARY cases are brought to it. But we have it coz nobody bothers to clear it. We do not have efficient and fair judiciary system right from lower level courts to SC. How do we even expect to escape the side effects of allowing an inefficient system to run? And Do we deserve to blame the no of case? No.. we are responsible for this mess collectively and will have to take some measures to improve it... And teh first step is to improve ourselves.


Yet again... another blast that shook the believes of thousands, if not million. Isnt it an irony that the very vehicle of cordiality is now a bone of contention. Whatever Indian or Pakistani Government say, they are equally responsible for the hundreds of innocents losing their life when all they expected was a tearful union.. what a union it was.

I have lost my stomach to condemn any more blasts -- they have all the same gory ends. How much blood and tears will it take to drown these ulterior motives? I am so disillusioned now as to answer this - Not even the blood and tears of the whole world wud suffice. The people who fight in the name of region, religion or even atrocities upon them and their families( assuming all terrorists are made by circumstances- which is not true anyways) , have they gone blind? Cant they see that if a person suffer, its they who are wronged at the end.. not the ones who suffer. By causing misery to one person they are infact making hundreds others against them. Why cant we just be peaceful.... without turning against each other and in turn against our nature human inclination to love all?

At this moment, i am feeling all the grief that people all over the world have felt.. the terror they have hidden inside themselves .. of being dead any moment by any terrorist attack...

I am here saying to the insatiable urge of blood... inside the so called Terrorists.... U WIN.. LETS JUST GRANT US PEACE NOW...... Its not my defeat i am admitting.. its urs... If u think u can win by force... u have no right to think.. as u cant. U can kill people but how will u kill the indominable spirit of mankind... be it a Hindu, a muslim, a christian, a jew, a sikh.... just a single person alive who is a man of reason and justice.

Let us all LIVE.......

Friday, February 9, 2007

To Be or not to Be

I came across this line in BOLD at the place i love most to be, my teacher's place. Batul Da's Place. It has somehow remained always with me after the moment i had set my eyes on the frowning expression of a cute baby... with the perennial question. I always asked myself.. to be or not to be.... a question that is fathomless. In times of doubts, when i am faced with a choice.. any kind of for that matter, i question my being. I is so important , we hardly ever realize.
Just sitting here and thinking about I.. an entity.. a soul.. a love.... a being.. One life.

Monday, February 5, 2007

Some more..... cant get enough

A professional writer is an amateur who didn't quit.
Richard Bach

An idea is never given to you without you being given the power to make it reality. You must, nevertheless, suffer for it.
Richard Bach

Argue for your limitations, and sure enough they're yours.
Richard Bach

Ask yourself the secret of YOUR success. Listen to your answer, and practice it.
Richard Bach

Can miles truly separate you from friends... If you want to be with someone you love, aren't you already there?
Richard Bach

Civilization... wrecks the planet from seafloor to stratosphere.
Richard Bach

Don't be dismayed by good-byes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again. And meeting again, after moments or lifetimes, is certain for those who are friends.
Richard Bach

Every person, all the events of your life are there because you have drawn them there. What you choose to do with them is up to you.
Richard Bach

Every problem has a gift for you in its hands.
Richard Bach

Evolution made civilization steward of this planet. A hundred thousand years later, the steward stood before evolution not helper but destroyer, not healer but parasite. So evolution withdrew its gift, passed civilization by, rescued the planet from intelligence and handed it to love.
Richard Bach

Happiness is the reward we get for living to the highest right we know.
Richard Bach

Here is a test to find whether your mission on Earth is finished: If you're alive, it isn't.
Richard Bach

I don't want to do business with those who don't make a profit, because they can't give the best service.
Richard Bach

I gave my life to become the person I am right now. Was it worth it?
Richard Bach

If you love someone, set them free. If they come back they're yours; if they don't they never were.
Richard Bach

If you will practice being fictional for a while, you will understand that fictional characters are sometimes more real than people with bodies and heartbeats.
Richard Bach

If your happiness depends on what somebody else does, I guess you do have a problem. Richard Bach

In order to live free and happily you must sacrifice boredom. It is not always an easy sacrifice. Richard Bach

In order to win, you must expect to win.
Richard Bach

In the United States Christmas has become the rape of an idea.
Richard Bach

Jonathan is that brilliant little fire that burns within us all, that lives only for those moments when we reach perfection.
Richard Bach

Learning is finding out what you already know.
Richard Bach

Listen to what you know instead of what you fear.
Richard Bach

Live never to be ashamed if anything you say or do is published around the world, even if what is said is not true.
Richard Bach

Not being known doesn't stop the truth from being true.
Richard Bach

Rarely do members of the same family grow up under the same roof.
Richard Bach

Strong beliefs win strong men, and then make them stronger.
Richard Bach

The best way to pay for a lovely moment is to enjoy it.
Richard Bach

The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other's life.
Richard Bach

The mark of your ignorance is the depth of your belief in injustice and tragedy. What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the Master calls the butterfly.
Richard Bach

The meaning I picked, the one that changed my life: Overcome fear, behold wonder.
Richard Bach

The more I want to get something done, the less I call it work.
Richard Bach

The simplest questions are the most profound. Where were you born? Where is your home? Where are you going? What are you doing? Think about these once in a while and watch your answers change.
Richard Bach

What the caterpillar calls the end of the world the master calls a butterfly.
Richard Bach

You are always free to change your mind and choose a different future, or a different past. Richard Bach

You are never given a wish without also being given the power to make it come true. You may have to work for it, however.
Richard Bach

You don't want a million answers as much as you want a few forever questions. The questions are diamonds you hold in the light. Study a lifetime and you see different colors from the same jewel.
Richard Bach

You teach best what you most need to learn.
Richard Bach

Your only obligation in any lifetime is to be true to yourself. Being true to anyone else or anything else is not only impossible, but the mark of a fake messiah.
Richard Bach

Richard Bach's Quotes

I am reading Richard Bach again.... my love for flight since i was an adoloscent has brought me here to post few of my favourite quotes by my favourite author... for all to see and experience their own flight.

You are led through your lifetime by the inner learning creature, the playful spiritual being that is your real self.

Don't turn away from possible futures before you're certain
you don't have anything to learn from them.

You're always free to change your mind
and choose a different future, or a different past.

- from "Illusions, The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah"

Argue for your limitations, and sure enough, they're yours.

- from "Illusions, The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah"

Your only obligation in any lifetime is to be true to yourself.
Being true to anyone else or anything else is not only impossible, but the mark of a false messiah.

- from "Illusions, The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah"

The simplest questions are the most profound.

Where were you born?
Where is your home?
Where are you going?
What are you doing?

Think about these once in awhile, and watch your answers change.

- from "Illusions, The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah"

You are never given a wish without being given
the power to make it true.

You may have to work for it, however.

- from "Illusions, The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah"

Every person, all the events of your life, are there because you have drawn them there.

What you choose to do with them is up to you.

- from "Illusions, The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah"

Your friends will know you better in the first minute you meet than your acquaintances will know you in a thousand years.

- from "Illusions, The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah"

A cloud does not know why it moves in just such a direction and at such a speed, it feels an impulsion....this is the place to go now.

But the sky knows the reason and the patterns behind all clouds, and you will know, too, when you lift yourself high enough to see beyond horizons..

- from "Illusions, The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah"

The gulls who scorn perfection for the sake of travel go nowhere, slowly.
Those who put aside travel for the sake of perfection go anywhere, instantly.

- from "Jonathan Livingston Seagull"

For most gulls, it is not flying that matters, but eating.
For this gull, though, it was not eating that mattered, but flight.

- from "Jonathan Livingston Seagull"

If our friendship depends on things like space and time, then when we finally overcome space and time, we've destroyed our own brotherhood! But overcome space, and all we have left is Here. Overcome time, and all we have left is Now. And in the middle of Here and Now, don't you think that we might see each other once or twice?

- from "Jonathan Livingston Seagull"

The gulls who scorn perfection for the sake of travel go nowhere, slowly. Those who put aside travel for the sake of perfection go anywhere, instantly.

- from "Jonathan Livingston Seagull"

That's what learning is, after all; not whether we lose the game, but how we lose and how we've changed because of it and what we take away from it that we never had before, to apply to other games. Losing, in a curious way, is winning.

- from "The Bridge Across Forever"

We're the bridge across forever, arching above the sea, adventuring for our pleasure, living mysteries for the fun of it, choosing disasters triumphs challenges impossible odds, testing ourselves over and again, learning love and love and LOVE!

- from "The Bridge Across Forever"

If it's never our fault, we can't take responsibility for it.
If we can't take responsibility for it, we'll always be its victim.

- from "Running From Safety"

Can miles truly separate us from friends?
If you want to be with Rae, aren't you already there?

- from "There' No Such Place As Far Away"

You have no birthday because you have always lived; you were never born, and never will die. You are not the child of the people you call mother and father, but their fellow-adventurer on a bright journey to understand the things that are.

- from "There' No Such Place As Far Away"

Fly free and happy beyond birthdays and across forever, and we'll meet now and then when we wish, in the midst of the one celebration that never can end.

- from "There' No Such Place As Far Away"

Nothing happens by chance, my friend... No such thing as luck. A meaning behind every little thing, and such a meaning behind this. Part for you, part for me, may not see it all real clear right now, but we will, before long.

- from "Nothing By Chance"

Another piece of artistry

Yes, i call writing as artistry.... I am not a great artist neither have the capacity to judge one, but i surely recognize any kind of art...
Art in its all forms in nothing but an expression of a whole. When one paints, a part of him/her comes on canvas... when one writes, the unspoken words float and are no more destined to be unheard.
Cheers to the us human for having the capability of expression...