I am almost to the last pages of 'Maximum City' by Suketu Mehta. The whole book is much more than pages and words. Its an insight into the Glittering Bombay or presently Mumbai. Having a first hand experience of the city all i can say that its a place where you are alone in a crowd. You live a life into yourself .. oblivious of the slums, chawls, bars, Bollywood and most mysterious of all, Underworld. The books speaks about the open secrets of the city... a city that is dirty and glamorous at the same time.. sexy and repulsive at the same time and crowded and lonely. The rent act that has made the lives of middle class non flat owners miserable, the politics that has sucked the cosmopolitan culture of Mumbai, the bars that have a never ending line of boys and old alike, with money to give them an ego boost, an identification in this city which doesnt recognize anyone except the Bollywood Badshahs and the Underworld with their connection running from a rickshawwala to the top most politician and beaureaucrat-- all with symbiotic relationships to share. All i can say is that I love this city and to warn everyone.. either u love it or hate it.. u cant have half of Mumbai to yourself.
Quite a reflection you've made there.... Let me know how the book goes with you.... Take Care