Finally its declared that on 30th September, 2010, special bench of Lucknow High Court will finally give the verdict on Ayodhya dispute. Media channels are trying their best to sensationalize the news and people are lapping up the spicy details.
Some facts about the dispute:
1. Start: Supposedly it started the day Babar constructed a mosque at the site. There is no evidence of a dispute back then
2. Modern times : As early as the second half of 19th century, the dispute between two communities erupted again.
3. In 20th century, this issue was used to gain political edge by different parties and thousands of people were sacrificed at the altar of politics and none of the so called leaders had a tear to spare.
Few questions are there which have bothered me since I was a child and was quite ignorant of the politics involved and could only see the repercussion.
A. Are we so inhuman that for us a religious place is more important than thousand lives?
B. Are we such idiots who do not realize even after decades that this is not about religion at all but about some vested interests getting mileage out of of this issue? ( I still remember being proud of the fact that was taught to me in school - All religions are good, God is One and no religion encourages violence)
C. Isn't it all worth being ashamed of?
When communal peace is disturbed, I feel ashamed of both the parties involved... coz I feel insulted by the fact that we call ourselves intelligent and yet fall party to such violence. NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING justifies killing or hurting someone unless for self defense.
When the court is about to deliver a long pending judgment, I see signs of nervousness around me. People are suddenly talking in whispers and are having suspicious looks. No one wants a repeat of '92 riots or any other kind of clashes. We are suddenly so afraid of the verdict that somehow it feels ironic to me.. a verdict is supposed to bring justice, make people believe in a system which will give them a fair deal.. and we are afraid of that.. Really how far we have come along the path of self destruction.
I do not know how things will turn out after 2 days but as of this day, I am sad and hurt .. of the fact that today we have started distrusting the people we have lived all our lives with.