Lately I started having interest in all kinds of beverages.. alcoholic and non-alcoholic. My love is still pure and cool WATER but drinks fascinate me. Infact the entire gamut of food and drink is such an exploratory field.
I have started reading more about Tea- a drink I liked since a long time. The delicate taste, invigorating aroma and the difference minute details can make in the taste of tea is so subtle yet complex... it challenges me in a way... to explore. There is just another drink like that.. Wine.
Tea and Wine are two different drinks but with many similarities. Both are delicate drinks.. have more than a thousand variations and are complex to make. Both are sensually stimulating experience and when paired with the right food, provide an awesome sensory pleasure. And may be its just a coincidence that both have been proved to have a positive effect on health.
Tea as well as Wine are ceremonial drink. They make every occasion worth a celebration and attach a significance to it. In many parts of the world, there are elaborate customs woven around both the drinks.
Wine as everyone knows is an alcoholic drink, though the percentage of alcohol is quite less than a bottle of cough syrup. Tea on the other hand has caffeine and nicotine not to mention tannin. Tea can be soothing as well as stimulating. Wine on the other hand makes a person more relaxed and slightly inebriated.
In my previous post I had written few basic things about tea. I will be writing my next post about Wines most probably with a light cup of Earl Grey or Jasmine Tea in my hand.